Enhanced Finance Controls
Therese Tucker CEO BlackLine Systems
BlackLine has been listed by Gartner as a ‘Best-of-Breed’ provider for Enhanced Finance Controls and Automation (EFCA) Software – a renamed category formerly called Close/Reconciliation Management by the global technology industry research leader.
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Rights Structure as a Living Entity
Dean Wiech Managing Director Tools4ever
Many organizations are seeing that some degree of contamination creeps into the rights structure of their file system, possibly because of technical contamination resulting from changes in the server on which the system runs (switching from Novell to NT4 then to Windows 2003 and on to Windows 2008, etc.), or it could also be the result of changes in the organization when IT services are centralized or departments merge.
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Roundtable |
The need to track the actions of users inside a company has greatly increased the amount of data that entities must collect to ensure a complete view of all activity.
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Jim Pflaging President and CEO SenSage
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